Jungle Gems

La tienda del ceramista

Mayco Serie CG comprende una gama de esmaltes cerámicos denominada también Jungle Gems que contiene fascinantes colores con muy diversos efectos a partir de la adición de cristales de colores a los esmaltes. Se suministra en botes de 118 ml. en suspensión. Si bien están dirigidos a temperaturas en torno a los 1000 o 1020 ºC, resisten alta temperatura, dando en este caso resultados diferentes. Prueba, experimenta y DIVIÉRTETE!!! Jungle Gems™ Crystal Glazes are recommended for ornamental use only when applied to low fire earthenware clay bodies. All but three Jungle Gems™ glazes have been certified as Non-Toxic, suitable for use by artists of all ages when used according to manufacturer’s directions. Jungle Gems™ are not recommended for dinnerware produced from low fire earthenware clay bodies as these glazes can exhibit surface textures such as cracks and crevices. While the glazed surface may pass lead & cadmium leach tests, and therefore legally considered Food Safe, attempts to adequately clean the textured surface may cause the underlying porous ware to absorb water and fail. Jungle Gems™ glazes may be considered dinnerware safe if surface texture is eliminated when firing to mid-range or high fire temperatures. We invite you to unleash your creativity with Jungle Gems™ Crystal Glazes. Aunque son libres de plomo y cadmio: *En baja, ante la duda, para decoración, por si el cristal no funde del todo y no se integra totalmente. *Aptos para objetos culinarios cuando los llevamos a alta.


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Gualda 23, Madrid
Bretón de los Herreros 5, Madrid

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